Voice & Screen

Voice & Screen

Using multiple interfaces to benefit customers
Voice & Screen
Voice assistants, more and more present in our daily lives, provide many services. However, certain situations require a graphical interface to facilitate selection and choice, which can be augmented by voice interaction for greater precision. The Design Lab and EDF R&D Digital Innovation have devised and tested two use cases, the first about making contract selection easier, and the second on diagnostics in the event of a breakdown.
Project developed by the EDF group.
The EDF’s R&D Design Lab, in collaboration with EDF R&D Digital Innovation, have developed a digital platform linked to Amazon Echo to help customers manage their electricity supply contracts. Using artificial intelligence, the system answers users' questions via the smart speaker and sends them back to their smartphone screen to obtain further details. A customer may, for example, need advice on the options in their offer. The smart speaker sends the list to the smartphone and advises on the best option: “I advise you to go for the green tariff. Look at the details on your screen, this contract will provide you with renewable energy”. The designers have created a network of devices that interact within the same platform. This is an innovative and unique multi-interface experience in a highly competitive market.
Voice & Screen
Electric Day, Digital experience